Comparison of costs

Here we would like to give you a small overview of our average costs for a WrestleMania trip.
We have thought about presenting this in tables, in the tables we show you the scope of the booked package.
Photos of some of the events can be found in the Photos & Videos section of our website.
Of course, individual preferences in flight and hotel can increase the price of self-organized travel.
As always, you can find more information in our group.
We hope that with this overview we can give you the courage for a trip to WrestleMania. If you are in the USA, you can perhaps also hang a week somewhere else. According to our experience this is always worthwhile.

By the way, we will create a comparison of solo travel vs. group travel in the Dallas 2022 – WrestleMania 38 area.

We will start with the table for a group trip:

Self-organizationCommercial provider
AccommodationHotel or AirBnBHotel
(some providers adjust the price if the room is not full, 3 persons in 4-person room)
TicketsWrestlemania, Raw, SD, NXT, 1-3 Indy leagues (e. g. Wrestlecon-Supershow, Ring of Honor)Wrestlemania
Priceso far maximum 1500€ p. p.from approx. 2000€ p. p.
with RAW, SD, NXT approx. 2380€ p. p.
Comparison when booking a 4 person room

As you can see you can save about 900€ by booking yourself.

Now comes the comparison for a solo traveler:

Self-organizationCommercial provider
AccommodationHotel or AirBnBHotel
(single room)
TicketsWrestlemania, Raw, SD, NXT, 1-3
Indy leagues (e. g. Wrestlecon-
Supershow, Ring of Honor)
Priceso far maximum 2000€ p. p.from approx. 2900€ p. p.
with RAW, SD, NXT approx. 3300€ p. p.
Comparison for solo travelers

And also here you can see clearly that self-booking is cheaper.